FMX 模态窗体
dlg := TForm2.Create(nil);
dlg.ShowModal(procedure(ModalResult: TModalResult) begin if ModalResult = mrOK then begin ..... end;
Displaying a Modal Dialog Box
Use the following code to display a modal dialog box in your FireMonkey application:
procedure MyCurrentForm.MyButtonClick(Sender: TObject); var dlg: TMyModalForm; begin // Create an instance of a form. dlg := TMyModalForm.Create(nil); // Configure the form. For example, give it a display name. dlg.Caption := 'My Modal Dialog Box'; // Show your dialog box and provide an anonymous method that handles the closing of your dialog box. dlg.ShowModal( procedure(ModalResult: TModalResult) begin // Do something. end ); end;
- 1. Define a class that takes the interface, and define a function to handle the closing of your dialog box:
class TModalFormCallback : public TCppInterfacedObject> { public: TMyModalForm *dlg; TMyCurrentForm *MyCurrentForm; void __fastcall Invoke(TModalResult ModalResult) { // Do something. } };
- 2. Then pass an instance of this class to
void __fastcall TMyCurrentForm::MyButtonClick(TObject *Sender) { // Create an instance of a form. TMyModalForm *dlg = new TMyModalForm(NULL); // Configure the form. For example, give it a display name. dlg->Caption = "My Modal Dialog Box"; // Create and configure an instance of your callback method. TModalFormCallback* ModalFormCallback = new TModalFormCallback(); ModalFormCallback->dlg = dlg; ModalFormCallback->MyCurrentForm = this; // Show your dialog box and provide an anonymous method that handles the closing of your dialog box. dlg->ShowModal(ModalFormCallback); }
Freeing Your Modal Dialog Box
You cannot free the memory allocated for your modal dialog box form within the method than handles the closing of your modal dialog box form. To free your modal dialog box form, you must handle its event as follows:
procedure TMyModalForm.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin Action := TCloseAction.caFree; end;
void __fastcall TMyModalForm::FormClose(TObject *Sender, TCloseAction *Action) { Action = TCloseAction::caFree; }
Tokyo 10.2.2 Firemonkey下的模态窗口解决方案。
procedure TForm2.btnShowMessageClick(Sender: TObject);begin TDialogService.ShowMessage('您点选了OK按钮', ShowMessageCloseMethod); end; procedure TForm2.ShowMessageCloseMethod(const AResult: TModalResult); var alvi : TListViewItem; begin alvi := ListView1.Items.Add; alvi.Text := DateTimeToStr(Now); alvi.Detail := '关闭了ShowMessage对话盒!'; end;